Canadian born, and raised to Wander! I have spent my life exploring the world, finding my paradise in the South Pacific. I lived in the Cook Islands. I have swam with Whale Sharks, had incredible dives throughout the South Pacific and Caribbean, sailing experiences, and more. I have cuddled a Koala, fed a dolphin by hand. I rode a camel at Uluru and had tea with a Bedouin and his goats outside Petra. I've done wine tasting in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, been stuck in a sheep traffic jam, watched the changing of the guard in London, woken to the roar of a lion in Kenya and so much more. My love of art, history, photography and all things culinary enhance my travels. I have cruised, traveled by train, self-driven, and been on escorted tours. I love to get lost in new places. Amazing things happen when you mix with local people. I help my passengers create the trips that they dream of.

Vanessa Lloyd
Fun Facts
Did you know that Giraffes can have Blue Tongues?
Favourite Quote
"Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown" - Anthony Bourdain
Favourite Travel Memory
Having Tea with a Bedouin eldern outside Petra by his tent, watching his goats run around!
Some of Vanessa's Favourite Places