The moais stone platform of Ahu Tongariki on the south coast of Easter Island
Easter Island
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From Deserts to Forests - A Journey

Chile Vacations

Chile Unveiled: From Andean Peaks to Pacific Shores

Chile is a country of startling contrasts and extreme beauty, with attractions ranging from the towering volcanic peaks of the Andes to the ancient forests of the Lake District. It stretches over 4,300 km from the world's driest desert, the Atacama, in the north, to the icy fjords of Patagonia in the south. In the north, the arid Atacama Desert offers visitors the chance to travel through moon-like landscapes, soak in hot springs, and gaze at the stars through clear skies. The middle of the country is the cultural heartland, home to the capital, Santiago, a bustling city nestled in a valley surrounded by vineyards producing exquisite wines. And snow-capped mountains that beckon outdoor sports enthusiasts all year round.

Head further south, and you'll encounter the Lake District, a region of temperate rainforests, deep blue lakes, and dormant volcanoes. The scenic beauty continues in Patagonia. It's a hiker's paradise with incredible national parks like Torres del Paine and the marine-rich waters of the Strait of Magellan, where you can spot whales and dolphins.

Chile's long coastline is dotted with numerous beach towns, offering everything from serene sands to surf havens. Meanwhile, Easter Island, a remote volcanic island famed for its archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called moai, provides a fascinating detour off the western coast.

Culturally, Chile is equally diverse, with a vibrant arts scene, a passion for football, and local culinary delights, such as fresh seafood, empanadas, and the famed Chilean barbecue. The country's rich history is visible in its architecture, from the colonial-era buildings of Valparaíso to the modern skyscrapers of Santiago.

At a Glance
LanguagesChilean Spanish
CurrencyChilean Peso (CLP)
Places To Go

Handcrafted Journeys to our Most Popular Places in Chile.

01Punta Arenas
Herd of Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) grazing on a hillside in Torres del Paine National Park in the Magallanes region of southern Chile
View of Santiago de Chile City in front of the Andes mountains
View of historical port city of Valparaiso along the coast
04Torres Del Paine National Park
Water, grasslands and mountains
Blue lake on a snowy mountains background and cloudy sky
06Easter Island
One Moais is in the foreground and four in the background. The sky is mostly sunny with clouds.
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An Adventurous Chile Tour

Welcome to Chile, a sliver of South America that promises an adventure as long and varied as the country itself, from the arid stretches of the Atacama Desert to the fertile vineyards of the central valleys. Across the rugged splendour of Patagonia's fjords, Chile invites travellers to embrace its natural wonders, rich culture, and the warmth of its people. Strap in for an unforgettable journey through a land where the landscapes whisper tales of ancient history and wild beauty.

Torres del Paine National Park,Chile

The Culture

Chilean culture is a vibrant fabric woven with the threads of tradition and modernity. It's a culture deeply rooted in its indigenous heritage, with influences from the Spanish colonizers and subsequent European immigrants. This rich history is evident in everything from the country's architecture to its food. Music and dance are at the heart of Chilean culture, with the Cueca dance being the most iconic. This traditional dance, with its colourful costumes and energetic steps, is a sight to behold during national celebrations. Speaking of festivities, Chileans love a good fiesta, and their national day on September 18th is a grand display of patriotism, complete with barbecues (asados) and parades.

Literature holds a special place in Chilean society, with two Nobel laureates in Literature: Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda. Their homes, now museums, are worth every penny.

Chile’s culinary scene is a revelation. Seafood is a staple, thanks to the country's vast coastline, and dishes like ceviche and empanadas are must-tries. The wine culture here is also noteworthy, with Chilean wines gaining international acclaim. Sociable and passionate, Chileans are known for their love of conversation and strong family values.

Sports, particularly football, ignite the national spirit like nothing else. The country comes to a standstill during international matches, showcasing the passionate Chilean temperament. The importance of art is visible on the streets, with vibrant murals reflecting the country's political history and social movements. This street art scene, especially in Valparaíso, is a testament to Chile’s living, breathing cultural dynamism.

Chileans are also deeply connected to their environment, with a growing emphasis on conservation and sustainability. This is a land where culture is not just preserved in museums but is lived and breathed, from the bustling city squares to the quiet, windswept corners of Patagonia.

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