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Stephannie Phillips

Stephannie Phillips

I have been in the travel industry for over 20 years and owe my career to Goway. I started my career with Goway as a South Pacific Specialist and later went into a more general line of work. After a couple of years out of travel, I am back with Goway as a Europe Specialist and am very happy to be here! I have traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, UK, Spain and Italy along with the Caribbean Islands and Mexico. I also did a contract on Norwegian Cruise Lines working in the Kids Club. I can never resist a visit to Newfoundland when I can get there to visit family. I look forward to exploring more of Europe and bucket list destinations would be Croatia and Iceland.

Iceland has a naming committee that approves or declines people's names.

"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien 

While I was visiting Newfoundland I was very lucky to see many icebergs as they came in much earlier that year than usual. I did kayak around the icebergs in Twillingate but my most memorable experience happened in Bonavista. I was out on a boat tour and saw some absolutely incredible bergs but one stands out. As we came around the one berg I saw a perfect heart in the middle with water spilling out as the waves came. My father was from Newfoundland and hearts are my sign from him. I was stunned and knew I was supposed to see that iceberg that day.

Some of Stephannie's Favourite Places

01St Johns
Charming historic fishing village of Quidi Vidi
The Redwoods Whakarewarewa Reflection Pool Forest Rotorua
Colosseum in Rome without people in the morning
Edinburgh Castle and the Old Town at sunset from Calton Hill
Famous Webb Bridge in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Church of La Sagrada Familia from Antoni Gaudi
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