As a child to first generation European immigrants, I always felt this deep longing to visit the countries my parents were from. Once I became an adult, I decided to brave the unknown and begin travelling on my own, without the familiarity of having family or friends travel with me. I started with organized group tours, and would add on extra days or weeks, for self exploration. I realized that I loved who I was while travelling the world, and couldn't get enough! I would travel every few months to a new and exotic place, always departing on my own, but making lifelong friends along the way. Now, as a mother to two incredible boys, my adventures look a little different. Though I don't get to travel as far or as often as before, I make sure my boys see the beauty of the world all around them, and encourage their natural-born curiosity for exploration!

Sandra Lira
Fun Facts
I am a part of the Seven Continents Club, having visited all of the seven continents. My goal is to get as many people as possible to join this club.
Favourite Quote
“Jobs fill your pocket but adventures fill your soul.” – Jaime Lyn Beatty
Favourite Travel Memory
Upon landing in Antarctica, I climbed up a big hill to see the view. Once at the top, I was surrounded by hundreds of penguins! Hearing nothing but their penguin sounds, in an otherwise quiet land, I was brought to tears. In that moment, I realized how truly blessed I was.