Thailand is an ideal country for anyone’s first visit to Asia. There are many flights to Bangkok, entry requirements are easy for most Westerners, and tourist infrastructure is well-developed in all popular regions of the country. Most Thais maintain a deep respect for their traditions and customs, even in the face of Bangkok’s frenetic rush towards modernity, allowing you to immerse yourself in one of Asia’s most fascinating and beautiful cultures.
Thailand is known to be one of the best value destinations. Return travellers often enthusiastically praise how their expectations exceeded them. Thailand allows them to experience luxury at an affordable price, taking pride in its ability to spoil its visitors.
Like any foreign country, Thailand may first perplex you with some of its traditions but don’t worry. Understanding and respecting the most common traditions will endear you to the locals and save you from being the wrong kind of farang on your vacation.
Your Wai or the Thai Wai
When you see Thais press their hands together with a slight bow, this is called a wai. The custom was brought to Thailand by Hindus from India and has spread in popularity over centuries. The rules surrounding it are more complicated than you might imagine. Not all wais carry equal weight or convey equal respect. Younger people or those lower in social standing should wai first. The higher the hands, the more respect is being conveyed. It’s also not unknown for Thais to wai as they pass by temples or spirit houses.
Where does this leave a Westerner? Off the hook is where. Thais are generally aware this gesture is particular to their culture and do not expect foreigners to attempt it. Though you are unlikely to offend anyone incorrectly, a handshake (usually to men) or light bow (usually to women) is typically enough.
The Music That Stops a Nation
If you’re out in a public place at 8 am or 6 pm, you’ll probably hear music played from loudspeakers, then watch as all the Thais around you come to a standstill in complete silence. Even some escalators stop running until the music stops. No, this isn’t some elaborate street improv act. It’s the Thai national anthem. It lasts about a minute, and yes, every Thai able to hear it will stop what they’re doing and stand still out of respect. Following their lead and doing the same is a simple way to show respect for the local culture and will be appreciated by any Thais with you.
Manners and the King
Thais' reverence for their King and Royal Family is about more than simple respect. In Thailand, the King is divine, and showing disrespect to royalty is a criminal offence known as lèse majesté. This law is more than mere symbolism. The courts typically hear four or five cases a year, and political opponents have been known to level the charge at one another in times of crisis.
Simple politeness and common sense should keep you out of trouble as a visitor. Don’t criticize the Royal Family in any way, damage, tear, or step on Thai currency (which carries the King’s image), and leave any material related to Anna and the King or The King and I at home. Thais see Western versions of this story as a mockery of the Thai Royal Family, particularly Mongkut (also known as Rama IV), who employed the real Anna Leonowens, and it is illegal to possess any Western version of the story or related material in Thailand.
Respect from Head to Toe
In Thailand, different body parts imply and command different levels of respect. Sorry southpaws, but Thais use the right hand for eating, passing gifts, and shaking hands, and you should do the same. If you’re confused about body language, remember that the head is sacred, while the feet are thought to be unclean. Never touch a Thai person’s head unless invited but apologize if you do so by accident. Conversely, never point your feet at anyone as it is also considered very rude. It’s also the reason you never step on Thai currency (even to stop it rolling away). You do not want to be seen standing on an image of the King.
Temple Etiquette
Thailand’s temples are magnificent, and you’ll probably spend a good chunk of your sightseeing inside them. The big tip here is slip-on shoes since you must remove your shoes before entering most temples. Photos are welcome but refrain from using your flash or photographing worshippers or staff directly. Remember, these are not just beautiful historic buildings. People come here to worship and pray. Finally, step over the threshold when you enter the temple, not on it, since many Thais believe spirits reside there.
Rules of the Thai Table
Leave the chopsticks for your local pan-Asian restaurant! In most cases, you'll find a fork (left side) and a spoon (right side) more useful for eating authentic Thai food. Spoon the food (which is usually shared) into your rice bowl and eat from that. It’s polite to leave a little to show you are full—unless, of course, you intend to eat more, in which case, summon the server by waving quietly with your palm down and saying nong. Do not snap your fingers or raise your voice. Tipping is not customary in Thailand.
There are many other aspects of Thai tradition, culture and etiquette waiting for you to discover, but respecting these common traditions will keep you out of trouble.
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