Most Australians do, in fact, speak a different sort of English. Here is Goway's guide to some of the most common words and phrases in "Strine" (Australian).
Some of the lingo has its roots in the rhyming slang of London's Cockney. For instance, "let's hit the frog and toad" really means "let's get on the road". Some people say that Aussies talk through their noses, giving a nasal twang to their words.
Term /Expression: | Meaning: |
Arvo | Afternoon |
Ava go ya mug | Traditional rallying call, especially at cricket matches. |
Back o'Bourke | Middle of nowhere; beyond normal civilization. |
Bag of fruit | Suit |
Banana Bender | Resident of Queensland. |
Barney | Dispute orangemen |
Barrack | To cheer (for a sports team) |
Bathers | Swimming costume |
Battler | A persistent trier, one who struggles for a livelihood |
Be so far ahead one can't hear the Band, to | To be intoxicated. |
Beaut | Exclamation of approval |
Beyond the black stump | Outback, well beyond civilization |
Big note | To exaggerate one's wealth |
Bikie | Biker |
Bikkie | Biscuit |
Billabong | Pond in an otherwise dry stream |
Billy Can | A container used to boil tea on an open fire in the bush |
Billy Tea | Tea boiled over an open fire in an old tin bucket |
Bite | To borrow money |
Black Stump | Where the middle of nowhere begins |
Bloke | A man |
Blowies | Blow flies |
Bludge | To rely without reasonable cause on the kindness of strangers; a lazy or ungrateful person |
Bludger | Lazy person, one who won't work |
Blue | Fight |
Bluey | Nickname for a red-haired person; also a type of Australian dog. |
Bodgie | Faulty, false; a hoodlum |
Bonza | Great, wonderful |
Boot | Trunk of a car |
Brekkie | Breakfast |
Brolly | Umbrella |
Buckleys("you've got buckleys") | No chance |
Bunyip | Mythical Australian animal. |
Bushbash/bushbashing | To travel or force your way through dense bush. |
BYO ("bring your own") | To take your own alcohol to a restaurant/party. |
Chewy | Chewing gum |
Chiko roll | Junk food that can only be compared to a large spring roll |
China | Mate, but not as familiar (rhyming slang derived from "china plate") |
Chockablock | Full to the brim |
Chook | Chicken |
Chop someone in, to | To include; to share |
Chrissie | Christmas |
Cleanskin | A novice |
Cobber | Old term for mate |
Corroboree | Aboriginal ceremonial dance or celebratory meeting |
Cozzie | Bathing suit (also togs or swimmers) |
Crow eater | Resident of South Australia |
Damper | Unleavened bread traditionally cooked on a camp fire |
Dead set | Correct, affirmative |
Decko | A look; a glance |
Dial | Face |
Digger | An honest man, a hard worker, a patriot. (Originally a minor) |
Dim sims | Fast food that resembles a Chinese Dim Sum but usually sold in fish and chip shops |
Dinkum/fair dinkum | Honest, genuine |
Dinky-di | The real thing |
Dob in, to | To inform, to "grass" |
Dog and bone | Telephone |
Don't come the raw prawn | Don't try to fool me. To impose on or deceive |
Downunder | The area on the Globe where Australia and New Zealand is, as compared to Europe and North America who are "up-top" |
Drongo | Worthless person |
Drover | Mounted herdsman. Sheep or cattle |
Drown worms, to | To waste time |
Dunny | Toilet |
Earbash | Talk non-stop |
Entree | The appetizer not the main course |
Fair crack of the whip | Give us a break |
Flat chat / full bore / full tilt | Full speed; full strength |
Footpath | Sidewalk |
Fossicking | Rock hounding |
Full as a goog | To be sufficiently fed; to be inebriated ("goog" is an abbreviation of the childish term 'googy' or egg) |
G'bye | Farewell (the last thing you'll want to say) |
G'day | Hello, welcome |
Gaggle | Group |
Galah | Silly person, also a noisy parrot |
Garbo | Someone who collects garbage |
Give someone a ring, to | To make a telephone call |
Good oil, the | Something genuine; the truth. |
Goose | A silly confused overly meticulous person |
Grazier | Large scale sheep or cattle farmer |
Grouse | Very good |
Gurgler | Toilet |
Hammer and tong | Full speed; full force |
Hit the frog and toad, to | To get going |
Hit the toe | Get going |
Ice Block | Popsicle (also called an "icy pole") |
Jackaroo | Young male ranch hand (Jillaroo is the female) |
Jaffle | Toasted sandwich |
Jellyknees | A weak person; a coward; a procrastinator |
Jumbuck | Sheep |
Jumper | Sweater |
Jungle drums | Gossip |
Kick a goal, to | To be successful; to get ahead |
Kick into a stiff breeze, to | To be unsuccessful |
Lamington | Squares of sponge cake covered in chocolate icing and coconut sprinkles |
Lino | Linoleum |
Lollies | Candies |
Mail, the | News |
Mate | A friend |
Merino | Breed of sheep |
Mexican | New South Wales people call those from Victoria (due to their lower geographical location) |
Milk bar | Corner store |
Mozzies | Mosquitoes |
Mug | A fool; to imitate |
Mustering | Roundup of sheep or cattle |
Nipper | Child |
No worries | No problem, not a problem |
Nuddie, in the | In the nude |
Ocker | Yobbo |
On the knocker | On the mark or target |
Outback | Remote part of the bush |
Oz | OZtralia, Australia |
Pastoralist | Large scale grazier |
Pom | If you are English you will get to know the word quickly as it is almost an affectionate term for English people (supposedly originates from the term Prisoner of Mother country) |
Pommie | An Englishman |
Postie | Mailman |
Put the kybosh on something, to | To cause to stop; to close something down. |
Queue | A line for a bus or anything else |
Ridgy-didge | Original, genuine |
Ringer | A highly skilled sheep shearer. When used it usually means a substitute or addition |
Ripper/Little ripper | Good (said to someone who has done something good) |
Road Train | Lorry with several trailers (driven outside of cities) |
Rooted | Tired |
Ropable | Angry |
Sandgroper | Someone from Western Australia |
Sandshoes | Sneakers |
Serviette | Table napkin |
She'll be right | Not a problem, don't worry |
Sheila | A woman (this Irish name was so popular among immigrants that it was always safe to call a woman by it) |
Shout | Treat someone, usually to a drink "It's your shout, mate" |
Sickie | To take a day off work (supposedly from being sick) |
Smoko | Tea-break, break for a cigarette |
Snags | Sausages, bangers |
Sport | Mate, "G'day sport" |
Stark bollockers | Naked (also see Nuddie) |
Station | Large ranch |
Stubbie | Small bottle of beer |
Swag | Item used for sleeping outdoors |
Sweet as a nut | Perfect |
Sweets | Dessert |
Swish | Fancy, elegant; to act effeminately |
Ta | Thank you |
Ta-Ta | Goodbye |
Tassie | Tasmanian |
Taswegian | Resident of Tasmania |
Taxi Rank | Taxi stand |
Thongs | Flip flops or sandles |
Tinnie | Can of beer |
Togs | Swimming costume (Queensland) |
Trouble and strife | Wife |
True Blue | Genuine Australian item/person |
Tube | Can of beer (also tinny) |
Tucker | Food (Aboriginal word) |
Two-up | An extremely popular though illegal gambling game involving the tossing of a coin |
Uni | University |
Ute(utility) | Pick-up truck (usually with a dog or two in the back) |
Vegemite | The diet of all Aussies (similar to Marmite) |
Veggies | Vegetables |
Wag | To skip school |
Walkabout | To go walkaround, disappear for awhile |
Wet (the wet) | Rainy season in Northern Australia |
Whingeing Pom | ("bloody whingeing pom"), the worst type of Pom, one who complains a lot |
Witchetty grub | Little white worms, traditionally eaten by Aboriginals as a delicacy |
Woop-woop | A remote place |
Woosie | Same as "big girl's blouse" |
Yabbie | Small freshwater crayfish |
Yahoo | Yobbo |
Yakka | Hard work (an Aboriginal word) |
Youse (pronounced as "use") | Refers to others when there is more than one ie. plural to you |
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