In 2022, I stumbled upon this amazing career opportunity with Goway. I've always had a travel bug. I've travelled regularly back home to Cyprus and other parts of Europe from the time I was born. I've never had the chance to see as much as the world as I had wanted to. I love learning about different cultures and areas around the world. Seeing the beauty from other peoples stories and experiences. I now have the opportunity to share that love with other people, while learning about some of the most beautiful , interesting places in the world. I love helping create beautiful itineraries for people that will create lifelong memories and once in a lifetime experiences. To travel is to experience the world through another's eyes. A foodie by nature, thanks to my culinary background. Travel is where my true calling has been found.

Mary Georgiou
Fun Facts
New Zealand is the only country in the world that can put Hobbit money as it's legal tender. Home to Middle Earth and all things Lord of the Rings.
Favourite Quote
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag
Favourite Travel Memory
When I was 19, I absolutely fell in love with Spanish culture. So much I decided to take a trip to Barcelona. The amazing architecture around the city, the natural art walking down the streets, the home of Pablo Picasso and Gaudi. There was music at every corner and the food was wonderful. The city full of life , culture, history. Everything just sang about it's past, preset. It was everything I hoped it to be and more.