After I realized that I wanted to be in the travel industry, I studied Travel & Tourism and obtained a diploma. I have been in the travel Industry since 2009. I have worked and gained experiences in several areas. I have managed quite a few departments: air, groups, and FIT with a wholesale tour operator. I covered mostly all destinations with my previous work experience. I was also a travel agent for a couple of years, which I truly enjoyed doing. Dealing with both direct clients and travel agents, I have learned to understand both sides. I love planning vacations and finding out all the bits and pieces to make it the best experience ever. Experiencing and collecting memories is far more important than collecting material things. Visiting new and different destinations gives me a sense of contentment.

Marielle Mantele
Fun Facts
Every night at the Trevi Fountain, about 3,000 euros are swept up from the bottom. The money gets donated to charity.
Favourite Quote
"Travelling is not something you are good at. It is something you do. Like breathing." – Gayle Foreman
Favourite Travel Memory
My very first solo travel to Tokyo at 18 years old. It was at that time I knew what I wanted to do in life.