My love and passion for travel hit me at a very young age when I moved to England at 17 all alone. From there I made it my goal to explore and discover this beautiful world as much as I could. I started my career off as a transborder flight attendant and continued on to have worked in the travel industry for over 5 years. Over the past 6 years I have travelled to over 35 countries all across the world, some of my favourites being Greece, Indonesia and South Africa. The world is a magnificent place filled with endless beauty, history, culture and religion. Life is too short to stay in one place – cover the earh before it covers you!

Chelsey Malcolm
Fun Facts
I have travelled to over 35 countries over the past 6 years!
Favourite Quote
"Cover the earth before it covers you" - (not sure who said it)!
Favourite Travel Memory
Volunteering in South Africa with animals and working directly with Lions and taking them for "walks" - no leashes or anything, just them walking beside us. Extremely cool experience!