Unidentified backpacker hiking in Torres del Paine National Park, in Chile
Torres del Paine, Chile
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Treks of South America - Part 2: The Patagonias (Chile and Argentina)

Nature & Wildlife

Treks of South America - Part 2: The Patagonias (Chile and Argentina)

3 min read
Published on May 15, 2015
Don Forster

By Don Forster

Trade Training Manager

Go back to read: Treks of South America - Part 1: Peru Continuing from Treks of South America - Part 1, below are treks found in the Patagonia region of South America


Torres del Paine National Park - Patagonia, Chile 

The circuit around the famous craggy mountains that crown Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia, Chile is one of the world's classic trekking routes. Breathtaking views together with glaciers, rivers, lakes, forests, and abundant wildlife provide the trip with constantly changing scenery and experiences. This is one of the greatest scenic wonders of the world and one of those places to which all serious mountain lovers must make a pilgrimage to -  least once in their lifetime. The circuit, rated strenuous, covers a distance of approx. 100 kms/60 miles. The trek is best done in a counter-clockwise direction that saves the hardest sections until later and prevents trekkers from being impeded by strong winds. During the summer (Dec-Mar) there are 18 hours of daylight which give the explorer plenty of time for the walking journey.

Cuernos, Horns of torres del paine covered with snow at torres del paine national park in the Andes of southern Chile in south America, towering over the turquoise water of lake Pehoe with dramatic clouds in the sky

Fitzroy National Park - Patagonia, Argentina 

Just north of Calafate in Patagonia, Southern Argentina, Fitzroy National Park is a mecca for rock climbers and those trekkers looking for a less visited area of the southern Andes to explore. Offering stunning scenery, cloud formations, and 18 hours of daylight in the summer, Fitzroy is an easy hop from Calafate and worth the detour for those who enjoy pristine, isolated, and raw nature.

Beautiful nature landscape with Mount Fitz Roy in the background as seen in Patagonia, Argentina.

ARGENTINA Glacier Trek, Calafate 

This trek ranks a mention as it is very rare that you are afforded the chance to walk on an active glacier. As an option on any day trip out to view the famous Moreno Glacier near Calafate in Southern Argentina, the trek is an easy yet exhilarating walk onto the mammoth ice formations which began their life in the high Andes as snow flakes more than 100 years ago. Hearing this glacier pop, snap, and groan from afar is a life-changing experience, and standing on it while it “goes through its motions” is remarkable and worth the effort.

Next: Treks of South America - Part 3: Colombia, Galapagos, and Antarctica

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South America
Don Forster
Don Forster
Goway - Trade Training Manager

Born in Australia and raised in Canada and Papua New Guinea, Don took his first solo trip to Bali – aged just 13. Since then, Don’s travels have taken him to every continent. He’s been a backpacker in Asia, Europe and Egypt, an overland adventurer in East and Southern Africa, and an overland driver in South and Central America. He is especially fond of Peru, Patagonia and Namibia, though his longest adventure to date has been a London to Kathmandu run via the Middle East.

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