a group of travellers on a european city street
Rome Italy

Group Travel Planners: Organize Your Own Group & Travel for Free


Group Travel Planners: Organize Your Own Group & Travel for Free

6 min read
Published on Sep 12, 2016
Robert Glazier

By Robert Glazier

Contributing Writer

How to Organize a Group

I promised in a previous article that I would tell you how you could, while working with our own in-house group travel planners, organize your own group and travel totally free yourself. If you think you have the ability to organize a minimum of around 15/20 people who want to travel with you to a specific destination, you will benefit from the usual “one free for…” group discount available. These are usually offered by airlines, hotels, sightseeing companies etc. Even if your cost is not fully covered, the difference can be spread among the other participants. One question you might ask yourself and it is quite natural to do so, is why should you travel free and the remainder of the group pays in full. There is no reason to feel obliged as the other participants are not only benefitting from the group discounts but also, you are working to consolidate and organize the group and this takes effort and time.

A group of friends taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
A group of friends taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

The reason for a group to travel together can be as simple as camaraderie.  Then again, it could be the attraction of a common interest. Maybe you travelled to destination you really enjoyed and want others to have that experience.  Maybe it is a destination you have always wanted to travel to and you are enthusiastic about it enough to get others to come with you. Regardless of the reason, Goway's group travel planners will work with you every step of the way to help make your group tour a great success.

Group Travel Planners Suggested Ideas

I could give you a long list of reasons for a group to travel together to participate in their interest or hobby. Here are some great ideas for you to consider.

  • You enjoy good Food and Wine – head to a wine growing region
  • You all play Golf, Tennis etc – great to play somewhere in the winter when it is out of the question where you live
  • You are a member of a Cycling, Running, Rowing Club or similar -  go cycling or enter a race out of the country
  • You have a love of Music – think about the wonderful music festivals in the world you could attend
  • You are interested in Historical Battlegrounds – visit Normandy, Flanders etc.
  • You are interested in Architecture  -  consider all the exciting buildings in Europe
  • You like Fishing – how about some deep sea fishing
  • You like to Scuba Dive – there are so many great sites in warmer climes
  • You belong to a Horticultural/Gardener Club – why not visit a selection of gardens in another country or attend the Chelsea Flower Show in London
  • You are involved with Animals or are a Member of a Zoo – how about a safari to Africa
  • You are a member of a Museum or Art Gallery – think about all the museums and art galleries you could visit in this world
  • You belong to a Women’s Club – what about  getting together a group of compatible members and taking off somewhere
  • You are a member of a Single’s Club – same as above
  • You are a Church Leader – take members of your congregation away to a destination of your choice or interest
  • You are a Trainer at a Fitness or Wellness Club – take like-minded members with you to a destination offering similar activities
Visiting wineries and wine tasting is always a great group activity. Our group travel planners can help.
Visiting wineries and wine tasting is always a great group activity

Let me tell you about a few groups organized by individuals who were successful. I recall a man who was well versed in the subject of opera and he decided he had sufficient knowledge that he could impart to others interested in opera. He took a group to Italy and they attended a few operas as well as seeing the sights. A lady who was brought up in China by missionary parents contacted other people who had had the same experience and they went back to China where they had lived previously. There was a man who just loved to travel and contacted like-minded friends, mainly through his church. He was successful and decided he would do this each year to a different destination.  Word got out how enjoyable his trips were that he built up a following and every time, his ability to form a group became easier and easier as time went by.  There was a lady who decided to ask her female friends and acquaintances to join her on a women-only vacation (I believe she contacted all the spouses of husbands who went on their own annual outing together!)

How to organize successful groups

Now, if you are contemplating organizing your own group, here are some hints on how to be successful.

  1. Make sure you are clear on the type of trip you are offering. An itinerary already laid out helps enormously.  The less vague the arrangements are, the more the interest will manifest itself. Don’t be afraid to ask the advice and input of our group travel planners.
  2. Don’t just “phone around”.  Send out something in writing with full details and an idea of what it is going to cost.
  3. Organize a get-together and invite as many people to come along as possible and hear all about it.  This can be at your home, at your club or you can rent a room somewhere. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You might offer a glass of wine and some small snacks.
  4. Tell your friends to tell their friends about the trip. Word of mouth has no cost.
  5. I was once told to “sell the sizzle, not the steak”. I interpreted that to mean create excitement. For example, say this is going to be so wonderful, different etc.

Senior couples looking at map on traveling journey

Now, should you think about taking along a spouse, a partner or a friend, it is possible to build into the trip more than one free place.  However, this depends on how much it might increase the cost. My Last word on the subject is to think of yourself as the “Pied Piper” (from Grimm’s Fairytales) who leads and others follow because you have gained their enthusiasm and interest. So why not become a “Pied Piper” and bring along your own following. Goway Travel has specialized in this type of group travel over the years.  Goway and yourself can work together to achieve a common goal – an enjoyable trip to wherever that may be.

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Robert Glazier
Robert Glazier
Goway - Contributing Writer

Robert was born in England and while in high school, he took his first venture outside of the country to Switzerland on a school trip. This was the start of a long journey exploring the world. He moved to Canada where he continued his career working for travel organizations including many years as Vice President of Canada's largest travel organization. Later, he spent 20 years with Goway Travel. His travels have taken him to over 80 countries finding out that every single one of them has something interesting to offer. Robert’s advice to all travellers: wherever you venture, always find out what is around the next corner.

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