Many North Americans believe two things about travel to Australia that tend to put them off from visiting. One is that it is too far to get to, and the other is that you wouldn’t want to go there in June, July or August because that's when it's wintertime Downunder.
Yes, it's a long way to go to get to Australia, but it's actually no further than a lot of destinations that do not suffer from the same tyranny of distance that Australia does. It takes the same amount of time to fly from Los Angeles to Sydney as it does to fly to Rome.
Schools unintentionally brainwashed the majority of North Americans. All the world maps show it to be far away and at the bottom. 40-years ago, it was a real hike to fly there. Today, modern long-haul airplanes designed with comfort in mind can fly much longer distances more efficiently. You can fly non-stop from Dallas to Sydney. If distance is still a problem, you can always break the journey and stop somewhere idyllic, such as Tahiti, Fiji or the Cook Islands, on your way there.
June, July and August are the best months to visit many parts of Australia, including the Outback, the Top End, the Kimberley, and the Queensland coast. In fact, this is the peak time to visit the Gold Coast, near Brisbane, and further north to Cairns, near the Great Barrier Reef, when it is at its clearest. So, for anyone wanting to get away between April and September, Australia is waiting for you!
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